Reframing Governance for the 21st Century

Leaders in boardrooms around the globe are grappling with a new reality: business and investment decisions can no longer be taken in isolation from social and environmental issues.

“The social and environmental imperatives today require leaders to frame some choices differently and make some different choices. Every company and every board will have to confront the changing context and what it means for how they engage and the consequences that flow from that.”

– Karim Harji, Partner Mondiale Impact

Smart organisations and their boards will continue to build and strengthen their fitness to respond. Visionary leaders will seize the value-creation opportunities for how their organisations can differentiate and build resilience for strong performance.

This changing context no longer exists outside the boardroom; it is fundamental to how decisions are made inside it.

Performance is being redefined around purpose and impact.

News and Speeches

Markets need political and social legitimacy; where organisations lack a sense of mission and purpose it erodes that. What is at stake is different from what we had understood before; this last decade of the 21st Century has already demonstrated that our inability to factor in the public good is inadequate and delivering suboptimal outcomes. Leaders increasingly need to look beyond shareholder primacy and the nature and role of governance has to respond.

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